Fanny: The Other Mendelssohn
A feature documentary focusing on the talented classical composer Fanny Mendelssohn, sister of the renowned Felix Mendelssohn. Prepare for a detective story intricately woven with the saga of two fiercely gifted siblings, set against the backdrop of performances of her beautiful classical music.
How new AI tools will assist the workflow for a film and tv editor. Very useful audio and video enhancing tools to assist any documentary editor.
Edit Scene Events
Always good to take breaks from the edit room. Here are a few events over October, November 2021 that should interest any film editor!
Flow Motion Editing
A masterclass in motion video editing. Smooth edits, beautiful motion. ’Blending time-lapse photography, acceleration and slow motion, HD and digital animation, they have produced a cutting‐edge panorama of a city hardly known, but one emerging on the visitor’s landscape as North Korea’s opening unfold”